We are a people united in love and purpose to proclaim Jesus is Lord

“Be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose.” Philippians 2:2

Lauren’s Lighthouse Temple is a vibrant church-planting church in Ghana, West Africa. Founded in 2013 in memory of Lauren Michelle Crawley, it has grown into a network of 12 churches through the work of graduates from Lauren’s Lighthouse Bible College. Our goal is to reach people for Jesus throughout the Central region of Ghana and beyond. There are many who haven’t heard the life-saving message of the Gospel.

See how Lauren’s dream became a reality!

The Church

Lauren’s Lighthouse Temple is located in Winneba, Ghana, near the coast. It was founded by Scott and Alicia Crawley in memory of their daughter, Lauren. 

View our 10th Anniversary video here.


The Bible College

Lauren’s Lighthouse Bible College was founded in 2015 to facilitate taking the Gospel to unreached areas of the Central Region in Ghana.


The Network

Lauren’s Lighthouse Temple has helped plant numerous churches in the past several years. This work has been done by graduates of the Bible college.